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Abbot's Morton

Description based on material supplied by the layout owner

Abbot's Morton  
Paul Fogg, Sodbury Vale MRC OO gauge 4mm scale

Abbots Morton is situated on one of the proposed lines from Broom junction to Worcester. It has been assumed that the line was started but only reached Abbots Morton before the funds ran out. This is the reason the model is a terminus, as was quite usual for railways of that period.

The line through Broom was operated by the Midland Railway, London Midland and Scottish, London Midland region of British Rail, until finally being taken over by the Western Region.

The majority of stock that operate on the layout are types that are based at Saltley, Gloucester Barnwood or Bournville, often locomotives from other locations may also appear.

The layout was designed from the outset to be DCC (digital command control) and uses a SPROG device to provide the train control with tablets used as controllers operating the �Engine Driver� app. Locomotive decoders are from Bachmann, Hatton's and DCC Concepts.

Layout trackwork is SMP code 75 Bullhead, points being SMP plastic kits, these are operated by Trainstronics point motors. The only signal is from the Dapol range, buildings come from all the usual sources, Hornby Skaledale, Wills and Ratio kits, plus a plethora of small items from various sources, all which go to make up the overall scene.

One novel feature is the uncoupling of the Sprat and Winkle couplings, these being fitted to all stock. This is accomplished using rare earth magnets raised and lowered by servos.


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